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Press Reviews


John Holland portrayed Figaro with gusto. He was playful, whether it was with his guitar or with a puppet. He relished each moment and made the most of the props he had. His “Se Vuol Ballare” was sung with an ardent tone while his “Non più andrai” was dance-like in his phrasing. Holland was very dedicated to his text, making the most of major words and even imposing a buffo style at other moments. Holland sang his final aria with gravitas. -


“John Holland gave a powerful and often quite funny account of the scheming Burgrave.” 

​Opera Canada - Winter 2014/15 (on Dvořák's Jakobín)

Performances of the men were also nice, but compared to the women's counterparts receded into the background. One of them, however, managed to really touch me - John Holland and his beautifully sung aria of the Water Goblin from Rusalka. After a few uncertainties in the Italian texts in previous performers, he came on stage with beautiful Czech and you knew at once that he just had to love Dvorak’s music and knew what he was singing. – opera dreams website Prague

John Holland (Leporello) was a fine actor and an excellent foil for Christopher Dunham’s lascivious Don. Holland was at his strongest when singing in ensemble numbers, and was particularly effective in the final death scene’s trio.

Opera Canada - 2019 Don Giovanni Southern Ontario Lyric opera

"Baritone John Holland as Leporello provides something of a masterclass in tireless physical comedy, devouring entire swaths of scenery with wreckless abandon. Don Giovanni’s famed catalogue aria, Madamina, il catalogo è questo, is breezily dispatched with ideal timing and proportion." Ian Ritchie Opera Going Toronto- 2023 Don Giovanni Toronto City Opera

"John Holland a loveable everyman as Papageno." - Leslie Barcza Barczablog - 2023 Magic Flute Opera York

The arias, sung by bass-baritone John Holland, alto Rebecca Claborne and tenor Jeff Boyd, were beautifully expressive and balanced. - Bach Cantata 182, Ottawa Bach Choir, 2013

John Holland, appearing in all shows as Masetto, was even more impressive in Don Giovanni than in the gala, where he sang a piece from Dvořák. – Prague Post 2015

John Holland was just born for the role of Masetto, who was jealous, deeply in love (a wonder he did not blush), and along with Mary Catherine Wright gave the impression of a wonderful couple. I have never seen a so nicely matched Zerlina with Masetto. -Opera dreams website Prague


'Among the men, Canadian singer John Holland positively shone in the aria of the Water Goblin from Rusalka. He is a great fan and supporter of Czech opera composers.'

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